
How to make handmaiden a jedi
How to make handmaiden a jedi

However, as they travel together, it becomes clear that he's not quite who he says he is A Zabrak engineer who served under the Exile during the Mandalorian Wars as a combat technician. Both being desperate for allies in the hostile facility, they team up to escape, taking off in the Ebon Hawk. An experienced smuggler and starship pilot that the Exile meets on Peragus, imprisoned in a force cage for unknown reasons. Onderon Part 2 really reveals the sith and Korriban is a great final way to begin the final part of the game.Warning: There are many, many spoilers on this page, several of which are unmarked due to Wiki Policy. With the return of Darth Sion and the hallucination caves, the storyline really starts hitting its climax right before the ultimate final ending. Korriban is, in my opinion, best saved for last. While there is not much for the player to gain here, it is useful to get as high a level as you can for the upcoming fights on Korriban and the eventual final fight. Male characters get the Handmaiden, females get the disciple.

how to make handmaiden a jedi

If the player has opted to play a female character, you are also able to pick up the final companion you were missing - Mical, the disciple.

how to make handmaiden a jedi

There are also a ton of other crystals in the cave the player may find useful as upgrades for their lightsaber depending on their playstyle and what other crystals they found throughout the games. Dantooine is where the player gets a special, character-specific crystal for their lightsaber. How fast you finish the jungle moon also influences how fast you get the follow-up mission later in the game.īetween Nar Shaddaa and Dxun, the player unlocks a lot of content and companion possibilities. Completing this planet next is crucial because you can get another companion, Mandalore. Healing the sick man in the refugee sector or enlisting his help in repairing the Airspeeder are two big ways. Here comes the big spoiler - you can also turn Atton into a Jedi on Nar Shaddaa! Make sure your influence is already high with him, you can do this in a few different places on Nar Shaddaa. Finally, depending on whether you are going light side or dark side, you get Mira or Hanharr respectively. He is probably one of the best ranged attackers in the game and has a ton of great dialogue. You are able to fully complete HK on Nar Shadda as well. While this happens regardless of the planet you pick, we are trying to maximize the number of companions you have. Upon returning to the Ebon Hawk for the first time you can encounter Visas and add her to your party. You can also add two to three more companions to your party.

how to make handmaiden a jedi

On Nar Shaddaa the main character dukes it out with the Exchange. There are a few spoilers ahead so consider yourself warned. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 features a ton of freedom when it comes to player choices.

How to make handmaiden a jedi